Research interests
  • Political philosophy and theory, post-structuralism, feminism, existential IR (‘politics of loneliness’)
  • Transnationalism & world politics, transnational intellectuals, transformations of sovereignty
  • Identity and symbolic politics, friendship and intimacy in IR
  • Political and cultural anthropology, intercultural communication, politics and cinema
  • Nationalism, political identities and ‘enemy’ images
Primary academic affiliation
  • Research fellow, University of Grenoble Alpes
  • Research fellow, Cologne-Bonn Academy
Sergei Akopov
Doctor in Political Theory & Philosophy, Docent
  • 2022-2023 Research fellow, Free University, Berlin, Germany

  • 2013-2022 Professor, Department of Political Science and IR

  • Academic Director, Master's in “Business and Politics in Modern Asia”

  • National Research University Higher School of Economics (Campus St. Petersburg)

  • Teaching BA and MA courses (‘Contemporary Political Theory’, ‘History of Political Ideas’, ‘Identity, Loneliness and Friendship in IR’, ‘Qualitative Research Methods’, ‘Russia’s Identity in World Politics’. ‘Russian Civilization’ for USA students CIEE groups); (all in English) Supervising MA, BA and PHD. research projects. Academic Director of HSE 2015, 2020, 2021 Summer Schools in 'Russian Studies'
  • 2015 - Ph.D. (Doctor) in Political Theory & Philosophy (‘Transnational model of Individual Identification with Macropolitical Communities: Metatheoretical Analysis’)

  • Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

  • 2001 - Ph.D. candidate in Political Theory (‘Semen Frank as a Political Thinker’)

  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Campus St. Petersburg)

  • 1998 - B.Sc. and M.Sc. ‘State & Municipal Management’, Diploma with Excellence

  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Campus St. Petersburg)
  • Akopov, Sergei. 2015. Chelovek mnogomernyj: transnacional'naya model' identifikacii individov s makropoliticheskimi soobshchestvami: metateoreticheskij analiz, [The Multidimensional Man: a Transnational Model of Identification with the Macropolitical Communities: Metatheoretical Analysis]. Aletheia: St. Petersburg. - 296 p. (in Russian)

  • Akopov, Sergei, 2013. Razvitie idei transnatsionalizma v rossiiskoi politicheskoi filosofii XX veka [Development of the Idea of Transnationalism in the Russian Political Philosophy of the XX Century]. RANHIGS: St. Petersburg. - 262 p. (in Russian)

  • Akopov, Sergey, and Rozanova, Marya. 2010. Identichnosti v épochu globalnikh migratsii [Identities in the Era of Global Migrations], St.Petersburg University Centre of Comparative Philosophy/Dean: St. Petersburg. - 272 p. (in Russian)

  • Filippova, Nyina & Akopov, Szergej. 2010. Az orosz világ a 20. Században, [Russian world in the twentieth century as a collection of texts], Hungarian centre of Russian Studies, Budapest, - 126 p. (in Hungarian)

  • Akopov Sergei. ‘EpiVOGUE: how writing a novel about transnational loneliness made me rethink my strategy of survival’. Ed. by Shine Choi, Cristina Masters, Swati Parashar & Marysia Zalewski. Writing Saved Me. Routledge: London (upcoming in 2023)

  • Akopov Sergei. 2023. ‘Dialogical and Transformative Cosmopolitanism to Come’, In Dialogue and the New Cosmopolitanism: Conversations with Edward Demenchonok. Ed. by Fred Dallmayr, Lexington Books: Lanham.: 306-341.

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2021. ‘Sovereignty’ and ‘Intervention’ Metaphors of Russia’s Loneliness in a Global World, in: Envisioning the World: Mapping and Making the Global. Ed. by M. Albert, S. Holtgreve, K. Preuß. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 145-164.

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2020. Transkul’turnye eksperimenty transnacional’nogo intellektuala // Homo Scriptor: Sbornik statej v chest' 70-letiya M.N. Epshtejna / Pod obshch. red.: M. Lipoveckij; nauch. red.: M. Lipoveckij. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 56-81.

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2019. The Concept of ‘Russian Europeans’ In an Anti-War Film ‘The Cuckoo’, In The Interplay Between Political Theory and Movies: Bridging Two Worlds. Berlin: Springer, 63-78.

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2012. Multinationalism, mononationalism or transnationalism in Russia? Challenging Multiculturalism. European Models of Diversity. Raymond Taras (Ed.) Edinburg University. Press. Edinburg, 279-296.

  • Akopov Sergei. ‘When women speak phallocentric positionalities: biopolitics of feminine loneliness in Russian cinemascape,’ Visual Anthropology. DOI: 10.1080/08949468.2023.2208480 (in print 2023)

  • Vera Ageeva & Sergei Akopov. 2022. ‘Global Russians’: A Case Study of Transnational Actors in World Politics, Europe-Asia Studies, 74:8, 1325-1349

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2021. Sovereignty as ‘organized loneliness’: an existential approach to the sovereigntism of Russian ‘state-civilization’, Journal of Political Ideologies, October 25. DOI: 10.1080/13569317.2021.1990560

  • Ferguson Iain and Akopov Sergei. 2021. The Politics of Russian Revisionism: Diplomacy of a Worldview, 2011–14. Russian Politics, 6, 453 – 477.

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2021. Obshchestvennyj ideal: «ontologicheskaya bezopasnost'» i «politika odinochestva», [Social ideal: ontological security and politics of loneliness] Chelovek. (32:4), 5-26.

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2021 “Ideological Concepts in ‘Formalism, Decisionism and Conservatism in Russian Law’ (2021) by Mikhail Antonov (Review Essay), Review of Central and East European Law, 41(1), 447-464.

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2020. Russia’s ‘fortresses of solitude’: Social imaginaries of loneliness after the fall of the USSR. Social Science Information. Vol. 59. No. 2, 288-309.

  • Akopov, Sergei. 2020. Suverennost' kak simvolicheskaya struktura [Sovereignty as a symbolic structure], Politicheskaya nauka. (2), 204-220.

  • Akopov Sergei, Christina Aslanyan, Lilya Boliatchevets & Polina Slusarchuk. 2017. “Is ‘E’ for ‘EMPIRE’?: re-imagining new Russian identity through symbolic politics of ‘Sochi-2014’”, Russian Journal of Communication, Taylor and Francis: Abingdon, Vol.9 (1): 1—18.

  • Akopov Sergei. 2017. Transnacional'naya model' identifikacii individa: Aktual'nost' v usloviyah «Vestfal'skogo paradoksa». In Malinova О. (ed) Symbolic politics. Moscow: INION RAN, Volume 5: ‘Politika identichnosti’, 144-158.
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