Dictionary of Political Language of Putin’s Russia
"Concepts of contemporary Russian politics and their influence in Germany and France"
29-30 November → Project workshop
The two-day workshop will be held in English and will take place in Aubervilliers and Paris (France) on November 29-30 and will be supervised by Alexey Zhavoronkov and Ioulia Podoroga. You can get acquainted with the workshop program, speakers and schedule of presentations by clicking here: https://calenda.org/1208810. The event will take place in a hybrid format, please, request the link to join online at: podoroga.ioulia@gmail.com.

The aim of the workshop is an interdisciplinary reflection on the changes that have taken place in Russian political language against the backdrop of the trends observed in other political traditions, primarily in France and Germany.

Alexey Zhavoronkov
Project Leader

Andrey Avdeenkov, Svetlana Novikova, Yulia Sineokaya, Igor Ebanoidze, Riva Evstifeeva, Alexey Berlov, Sergei Shevchenko, Marina Bykova, Ioulia Podoroga, Aleksandra Berdnikova, Alexey Salikov
Report of the project leader on one of the dictionary terms ("Extremism"):

«Относительно недавно вошедшее в политический лексикон и пока не окончательно устоявшееся в нем понятие экстремизма обозначает в широком смысле приверженность радикальным методам, подрывающим ценностные и/или институциональные основы государства. В зависимости от интерпретации основной акцент делается на ценностных (в первую очередь демократических) или этатистских аспектах. Последние являются определяющими для российского (в отличие от европейского) употребления понятия. В России экстремизм ассоциируется не с угрозой демократическим принципам, а с критикой властей или скрытой опасностью для механизмов властной вертикали. Применение этого понятия соответствует псевдоконсервативному характеру российской политики, фактически ориентированной на ситуативные решения и действия, не предполагающие следования каким-либо ценностным принципам»

A. Zhavoronkov

About the project:
Contemporary researchers regularly note the significant changes taking place with the Russian language in its use by officials and state media in Putin’s Russia. An in-depth understanding of these changes, which have accelerated and radicalised since the beginning of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, is absolutely necessary for analysing the social, cultural and political processes taking place in contemporary Russia that have a global impact. A major obstacle to such an understanding is the absence of a detailed dictionary of the political language of Putin’s Russia, reflecting the different periods of political transformation from 2000 to the present and presenting a multidimensional picture that allows for deep comparisons with political terms belonging to different intellectual traditions. The goal of the present project is to prepare this dictionary.

The Dictionary will include key concepts that require detailed explanations and comments. Many have a long history of use in various languages but have significant specific features of use in the Russian public sphere. Others are unique, as they emerged in connection with new phenomena of Russian political life. Our main goal will be to clarify the current use of the concepts and their previous transformations from the background of the Russian political tradition before the 2000s and (in some cases) with other traditions. Our sources will be Russian official media, mainly publications of state officials and ideologists, texts of laws and draft laws, methodological materials and manuals for governmental organisations, and publications of foreign media affiliated with Russian state structures and officials.

The project’s authors would like to invite colleagues from the humanities and social sciences (philology, philosophy, political science, sociology, history, psychology, etc.) to cooperate in the preparation of dictionary articles. The project will result in the publication of a printed version of the Dictionary in several languages and an online version available to a broad audience.
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