Evening Reading: a discussion club of the "Independent Institute of Philosophy"
The purpose of the club is an informal and friendly discussion of the philosophical materials that the institute's participants are working on in order to - ideally - make these materials better. The club takes place once a month, on the last Thursday of the month.
The material (article, draft, outline, abstracts, chapter of the book) should be sent a week before the club date to give everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with it. Rules of the discussion: a) introduction - the speaker briefly tells her theses, the background of the work, personal motivation for researching this topic, the context and prospects of the topic, b) discussion - the participants express comments, ideas, associations, reflections, everything that will help in their opinion to make the work more interesting.

The discussion is informal and friendly, the opinions within the discussion are not an expression of the position of the association or approval/disapproval of the material from the association. Participants should adhere to generally accepted norms and rules of academic discussions: listen carefully and do not interrupt, discuss ideas rather than personalities, give everyone the opportunity to speak out, maintain confidentiality, etc.
External speakers
External speakers can participate in the club with their material if two members of the institute have read the material and recommended it.

The speaker sends his materials and a potential date by email: thickmoralconcept@gmail.com.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Join the association
We welcome you to join the Independent Institute of Philosophy Association if you share our values of liberty, oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine, are eager to promote the development of critical philosophical thought, and are open to international collaboration in the social sciences and humanities.
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And access to knowledge for all by donating to the Independent Institute of Philosophy.

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Support freedom of research
And access to knowledge for all by donating to the Independent Institute of Philosophy.
229 rue Saint-Honoré,
75001 Paris, France
En / Fr / Ru