Research interests
  • Byzantine theology, philosophy and science; Russian religious philosophy and theology; Russian philosophy of language and political philosophy
Primary academic affiliation
  • Freie Universität Berlin
Dmitry Biriukov
PhD (European), Doctor of philosophy (Russian)
  • 2016: Padova University, the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology. Degree: PhD (Doctor of Letters in Philosophy).

  • 2016: Russian State University for the Humanities, the Department of Philosophy. Degree: Doctor habilitatus in philosophy (Russian).

  • 2007: St Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Philosophy. Degree: PhD in Philosophy (Russian).

  • 2004: St Petersburg School of Religion and Philosophy, Department of Religious Studies. Degree: BA of Religious Studies (summa cum laude).

  • 2001: St Petersburg State Polytechnical University. Degree: MS, Physics.
1. Biriukov, D. (2016): The topic of the universal in the thought of the Cappadocian Fathers and in the Arian debate of the 4th century AD: philosophical and theological perspectives. FACSIMILE FRONTESPIZIO TESI. Supervisore: Prof. Maria Grazia Crepaldi. Universita degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di FISSPA. 176 pp. (In English).

2. Biriukov, D. (2016). Причастность и универсалии в восточно-христианской мысли: некоторые темы и линии [Participation and Universals in Eastern Christian Thought: Some Themes and Lines]. St Petersburg. Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities Publishing House. 232 pp. [Precontract with publisher: The Higher School of Economics Publishing House, 2021 (2nd edition)] (In Russian).

3. Biriukov, D., ed. (2021). Письма святителя Григория Паламы к Григорию Акиндину и Варлааму Калабрийскому [Letters of Gregory Palamas to Gregory Akindynos and Barlaam of Calabria]. Kiev: ADEF-Ukraine. 164 p.
D.Biriukov’s chapter:
- Формирование паламитской доктрины в письмах свт. Григория Паламы к Григорию Акин
дину и Варлааму Калабрийскому [Formation of Palamite doctrine in the letters of Gregory Palamas to Gregory Akyndinus and Barlaam of Calabria], p. 9-53.
(In Russian).

4. Biriukov, D., Lourie, V., eds. (2020). Логика и онтология в византийской догматической полемике. Очерки [Logic and Ontology in the Byzantine Dogmatic Polemic. The Essays], ed. D. Biriukov and B. Lourie. St Petersburg. Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities Press. (Byzantine philosophy, 19). 320 pp.
D.Biriukov’s chapter:
- Универсалии и индивидуация в раннехристианской и византийской мысли [Universals and Individuation in Early Christian and Byzantine Thought]. 15-98.
(In Russian).

5. Biriukov, D., Solopov, A., eds. (2012). Монах Давид Дисипат. Полемические сочинения. История и богословие паламитских споров [Monk David Disypatos. Polemic treatises: History and Theology of the Palamite controversy]. Moscow: Nicaea. (Byzantine philosophy, 9). 312 pp. D.Biriukov’s articles:
- Давид Дисипат, его учение и место в паламитских спорах [David Disypatos, his teaching and significance in the Palamite controversy]. 7-62;
- Тема энергий как привходящего [The topic of energies as an accident]. 63-70;
- О начале полемики вокруг исихазма в эпоху паламитских споров [On the beginning of the polemics on hesychasm within the Palamite controversy]. 71-85.
(In Russian).

6. Biriukov, D., Benevich, G., eds. (2009). Антология восточно-христианской мысли. Ортодоксия и гетеродоксия [Anthology of Eastern Christian Theological Thought. Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy]: In 2 vols. Vol. 1. St Petersburg. (Byzantine philosophy, T. 4).
D.Biriukov’s articles:
- Александр Александрийский [Alexander of Alexandria]. 99-106;
- Арий [Arius]. 116-131;
- Астерий Софист [Asterius the Sophist]. 139-145;
- Аэций [Aetius]. 220-230; Евномий [Eunomius]. 235-247;
- Василий Великий. Полемика с Евномием [Basil the Great. The polemics with Eunomius]. 269-290; - Григорий Богослов. Триадологи и полемика с арианством [Gregory the Theologian. Triadology and the polemics with the Anti-Aryans]. 291-300;
- Григорий Нисский. Полемика с Евномием [Gregory of Nyssa. The polemics with Eunomius]. 315-322;
- Григорий Нисский (в разделе «Формирование антропологических концепций»). [Gregory of Nyssa (in the section “The Formation of Anthropological Ideas”)]. 397-405.
(In Russian).

7. Biriukov, D., Benevich, G., eds. (2009). Антология восточно-христианской мысли. Ортодоксия и гетеродоксия [Anthology of Eastern Christian Theological Thought. Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy]: In 2 vols. Vol. 2. St Petersburg. (Byzantine philosophy, T. 5).
D.Biriukov’s articles:
- Дионисий Ареопагит: учение о Боге и о Божественных именах [Dionysius the Areopagite: The Doctrine of God and Divine Names]. 7-18;
- Симеон Новый Богослов [Simeon the New Theologian]. 283–292;
- Николай Мефонский. Полемика с латинянами и Сотирихом, учение о Пятидесятнице и опровержение Прокла, в контексте учения об иерархии причин и проблемы универсалий [Nicholas of Methone. The polemics with the Latins and Sotirich, the doctrine of Pentecost, and the refutation of Proclus, in the context of the doctrine of the hierarchy of causes and the problem of universals]. 341-370;
- Григорий Палама [Gregory Palamas]. 448-466;
- Григорий Акиндин [Gregory Akyndinus]. 467-476;
- Никифор Григора [Nicephorus Gregoras]. 548-562.
(In Russian).

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