Dimitri Bayuk
Ph.D. (candidat nauk) in history of physics and mathematics
Research interests
  • Scientific revolution of the 17th century
  • Transition of the European scientific knowledge and method to non-European cultures (Russia and China of the 18th century)
  • Scientific knowledge as political factor
  • AI: historical and ethical aspects
Primary academic affiliation
  • Researcher, teacher-researcher — laboratory SPHere (CNRS, Paris-Cité University
  • 1983–1989 Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Science of the USSR (AN SSSR), assistant, junior researcher

  • 1991–2019 Vavilov Institute for History of Science and Technology, department of history of physics, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher

  • 1991–1994 _Voprosy Istoriyi Estestvoznaniya i Tekhniki [Studies in the History of Science and Technology]_ quarterly, information division editor, book review editor, executive editor

  • 1993–1994 VEGA Russian-American laboratory, researcher

  • 1995–1996 Observatory of the Blue Beach (Nice), visiting scholar (Diderot program)

  • 2000–2001 Saint Louis University in St. Louis, MO, department of mathematics and mathematical computer science, visiting scholar (Fulbright program)

  • 2001–2021 _Voprosy Istoriyi Estestvoznaniya i Tekhniki [Studies in the History of Science and Technology]_ quarterly, deputy editor in chief

  • 2001–2005 Saint Thomas Aquinas Institute for Philosophy, History and Theology, associate professor

  • 2006–2011 _Vokrug sveta [Around the World]_ Editorial House, _Telegraf_ online edition, deputy editor in chief

  • 2011–2012 High School of Economics, department of history, associate professor

  • 2016–2022 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, department of economic theory, department of data analysis, department of mathematics
  • 1977–1979 Moscow University, department of physics, UG

  • 1979–1983 Moscow University, departments of quantum theory and of physics of high energy, MS

  • 1989–1991 Institute for History of Science and Technology of the Academy of Science of the USSR (AN SSSR), PhD program
  • Avec Anna Popova – _Pravovye i ètičeskie problemy iskusstvennogo intellekta [Problèmes juridiques et éthiques de l'intelligence artificielle], Moscou: Prometeus, 2022.

  • Avec Oleg Bayuk, Dmitry Berzine, Vera Ivanûk et al. – _Praktičeskoe primenenie metodov klasterizacii, klassifikacii i approksimacii na osnove nejronnyh setej [Applications pratiques des méthodes de regroupement, de classification et d'approximation basées sur les réseaux neuronaux]_, Moscou: Prometeus, 2020.

  • Avec Alexandre Allahverdân, Andrej Vaganov, Gennadij Gorelik et al. – Lûdi mira: Russkoe naučnoe zarubež'e [Les peuples du monde. Les scientifiques russes à l'étranger], Moscou: Alpina Non-fiction, (with A. Alakhverdyan, A. Vaganov, G. Gorelik et al.; edited), 2019.

  • Avec Ol'ga Fedorova – "G. V. Lejbnic: ot «simvol'noj revolûcii» v matematike k koncepcii zameŝaûŝego znaniâ [G. W. Leibniz : de la "révolution symbolique" en mathématiques au concept de cognition suppositive]," _Epistemology & Philosophy of Science / Èpistemologiâ i filosofiâ nauki_, 59 (2022), no. 2, pp. 201–217. DOI: 10.5840/eps202259233

  • Avec Françoise Le Guet - Tully – "La visite de Pierre le Grand à Paris en 1717, ou la science au service du pouvoir," _Archive for History of Exact Sciences_, 72/2-189 (2022), pp. 98–127

  • Avec Ol'ga Fedorova – "Znak i problema vyraženiâ u Lejbnica [G. W. Leibniz : Le signe et le problème de l'expression]," _Epistemology & Philosophy of Science / Èpistemologiâ i filosofiâ nauki_. 57(2020), no 1, pp. 146-165. DOI 10.5840/eps202057112

  • Avec Karl – "Science and Russian Orthodox Scholarship," _Isis_, 107 (2016), no. 3, pp. 573–578. DOI: 10.1086/688415

  • "Sputniki Ûpitera kak faktor vliâniâ v rossijsko-kitajskih otnošeniâh konca XVII – načala XVIII vv. [Les satellites de Jupiter comme facteur d'influence dans les relations sino-russes à la fin du XVIIème et au début du XVIIIème siècle]," _Istoriko-astronomičeskie issledovaniâ [Études sur histoire de l'astronomie]_, 41 (2022), pp. 29–63.

  • "Rossijsko-kitajskaâ granica: ot protivostoâniâ k sotrudničestvu [La frontière entre la Russie et la Chine : de la confrontation à la coopération]," in: A.V. Lubkov (ed.), 70 let KNR: istoriâ, sovremennost'' i perspektivy razvitiâ. Sbornik naučnyh statej učastnikov Meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii [70 ans de République populaire de Chine : Histoire, modernité et perspectives de développement. Recueil d'articles scientifiques des participants à la conférence scientifique internationale], Moscou: Presses de l'Université pédagogique d'État de Moscou, 2021, pp. 29–40.

  • “Father Antoine Gaubil, S J (1689–1759), and His Election to the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences,” in: Luis Saraiva and Catherine Jami (eds.). _Visual and Textual Representations in Exchanges between Europe and East Asia 16th–18th centuries_. New Jersey; London; Singapore: World Scientific, 2018, pp. 331–350.
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